CPAP Trial
Book nowCPAP therapy remains the gold standard treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). The experienced team at Place of Dreams have extensive knowledge across both standard CPAP therapy, as well as the more complex modes including Bi-Level (Bi-PAP) and Adaptive Servo Ventilation (ASV).
Our CPAP trial takes place over 4 weeks, which gives you plenty of time to get comfortable with your new treatment, supported by our team. Over the course of the first few weeks, you’ll have the chance to try different mask types and comfort settings to find the ones that work best for you. Our team will also be working to find the right type of machine, and machine settings, to best treat your sleep apnoea.
Together, we make sure that over the trial you have the time you need to ask questions and try different personal equipment.
Things like:
- Mask discomfort - we have over 35 different masks options to choose from during your trial. We will work through as many options as needed to help you find the right fit for you. There has been substantial growth and development within CPAP mask’s. Gone are the days of looking like an octopus is attacking your face.
- Claustrophobia - adjusting settings, changing masks and changing devices may all help, as well as the great tips and tricks from our support team.
- Frustration with therapy - Knowledge is power. Place of Dreams will ensure you understand your sleep study results, why treatment is so important and how a CPAP therapy works, building your knowledge and confidence.
- Nasal dryness and congestion – Our sleep therapists will teach you how to manage your device so you can make adjustments yourself if needed, or help you via our remote login, adjusting settings on the device for you.
- Aerophagia/Gas/Bloating – by changing mask types, device or adjusting device settings depending on the cause, may help you feel more comfortable.
- Issues with air pressure from the device – we can potentially adjust settings remotely to help you as fast as we can or change the device to improve your comfort while maintaining your therapy needs.
CPAP Therapy should be quiet & comfortable.
...and CPAP Therapy will hopefully become something you look forward to using each time you sleep.
Your journey on CPAP therapy can and should be a positive experience for you and your body. The key to this experience is choosing the right team to support you towards this success. Place of Dreams has that team.
Duration of Trial
- 60-minute initial appointment
- 30-minute review appointment after one week
- 30-minute review appointment after two weeks
- 30-minute review appointment after three weeks
- 45-minute end of trial appointment after four weeks
Out of Pocket:
$400 AUD
Total Cost:
$400 AUD
*Medicare Rebate:
$0 AUD
Cost includes:
CPAP Trial machine and mask rental throughout the duration of the trial, your own CPAP Trial booklet to give additional tips and tricks at home, plus all appointments and unlimited phone support.
Additional information:
Following a successful CPAP trial, you will have the option of purchasing your own CPAP equipment for long term use. The POD team will continue to support you with your ongoing Support Pack. A detailed report will also be sent to your referring specialist to keep them informed of your therapy success.
*speak with your private health insurance provider. You may be eligible for some rebate on the rental portion of the invoice. HICAPS is not available
Everything you need to know about POD and our services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I do a CPAP Trial if I am FIFO?
YES! The CPAP devices we use have remote access via the OPTUS and Telstra Network. Often, we can see your progress and have the ability to adjust device settings when you are at work. You can also take the device to and from your work site as they are approved to travel on aircrafts as carry-on luggage. We will work with you to ensure your follow up appointments suite you and your swings. Phone reviews are an option when you are away and face-to-face reviews when you are home.
Will working nightshift affect my CPAP trial ?
Not really. It doesn’t matter if you use the CPAP device when the sun is up or the sun is down. If you are sleeping, you should be using it. The CPAP device records all the data when it is being used. Our team is experienced in reading your results and still able to offer the same quality support whenever it is you sleep.
What if I go on holiday during the CPAP trial ?
While we don’t recommend this, we understand that some things are unavoidable. Attending every CPAP trial appointment, face-to-face will ensure you get the most out of your CPAP trial. Allowing us to change your settings, swap masks, educate you and support your sleep. Starting CPAP therapy can be challenging for some and this support is crucial. If you are away for a quick weekend, we understand, but we don’t recommend weeklong holidays or going overseas. This will likely slow your progress and mean you need to extend your CPAP trial at an additional expense. We do not allow our rental devices to be taken out of Australia.
What if I get sick during my CPAP Trial ?
There are a few options we can discuss. In some instances, continuing CPAP therapy will actually speed up your recovery. We can make setting adjustments and recommend some options to discuss with your GP or Pharmacist. These can help you continue using CPAP therapy whilst you are sick. Let’s face it, we all get sick from time to time. We will educate you on how to handle this situation for your long-term CPAP success. If illness is preventing you from using your CPAP therapy for prolonged period’s of time, we can postpone or cancel the CPAP trial until you have recovered, restarting at a later date. If you need to cancel the CPAP trial our team will communicate with your referring specialist or GP so they know we have stopped therapy and why. Depending on your diagnosis, discontinuing CPAP therapy long-term may not be an option, so it’s important we let your referring practitioner know. Our team are always happy to discuss your individual circumstances and help decide the next best step. Phone our team on (08) 6168 1450 and they can arrange for your therapist to get in contact with you if this happens.
Can I just buy a device without doing the CPAP Trial ?
Yes you can. In some circumstances, this is a great option, but this is decided on a case-by-case basis. It will depend on your Sleep Study results, your referring practitioner and your reason for referral. You can discuss this with one of our team at your 1st appointment. The CPAP trial is designed with you in mind. To help you adjust, understand and accept good CPAP therapy. There are several different devices and masks on the market. We will work with you to ensure you are investing your money in what is right for you.
Is there any Government financial assistance for my CPAP therapy ?
You might qualify for Centrelink to help you with through an Essential Medical Equipment payment. Click HERE for more information. This document must be signed and approved by a Sleep Physician (our POD team can not complete this form).
Can Medicare or Centrelink help me with my CPAP therapy ?
- You may qualify for a Medicare funded CPAP device. These are in limited supply and the application must be approved and submitted by a Sleep Physician. You can discuss this with our team during your appointment.
- There are other support avenues like “Care Packages”, Silverchain, My Home Help and NDIS, just to name a few. These are based on your individual circumstances, and you will need to phone your coordinator directly to discuss your options.
- Private Health coverage does offer rebates on the purchase of a CPAP device. Phone your provider to discuss your level of coverage. These often only cover device purchase or device rental NOT consumables like masks, filters and other individual components. They are typically only available once every 5 years.
- Medicare does not cover consumable components or appointments for CPAP therapy.

Still unsure? Reach out and talk to us!
Place of Dreams is the place For Simply Better Sleep. We’re here to help you if you’re having sleep problems.